Women in Ministry

heart healing women in ministry May 30, 2024

As a woman in leadership and ministry, are you feeling the weight of the extra layers you carry in that role?  

You’ve sacrificed more than those who benefit from your life will ever know.  You’ve continued to pour out for others when you’re weary yourself and strain to keep going.  You’ve carried your own wounds for too long with nowhere to take your own heart for healing.  You’ve been overwhelmed with expectations to be perfect — and then were betrayed when you dared to share your struggles and imperfections.  You feel lost and alone with no one pouring into your life — with no one understanding, refreshing, and empowering you to rise up in strength and joy again.  The dreams you had in launching out for what you believed God called you to do have been deflated — and maybe you’re not even sure if God is in it anymore.  

I can assure you — God hears the cry of your heart in the night.  And He has a journey to hope, healing, and joy designed specially for you.

After 45+ years in ministry and some very deep breaking, God took me on that journey  to wholeness — and I wouldn’t trade what He did in me through it for all the world!

Now He’s asked me to call back through the dark tunnels I went through to coach other women in leadership and ministry through the layers of their lives to hope, healing, and joy again.

We can never lead others past where we are willing to go ourselves — and Jesus is urgently calling us to go further than we’ve ever gone before.  He needs us well, whole, strong, and vibrantly alive without hindrance in these days — so that we have the power in Him to draw others out of darkness into the light of His Kingdom.  

The journey God calls us to is all about Jesus walking with us through the struggles we’ve been suppressing, healing the wounds we’ve been hiding, and gaining victory over the strongholds we’ve been fighting alone.  

Lord, cleanse us. Make us whole. Teach us how to live, how to love, how to truly be like You with no dark plots of the enemy holding us back.

If God stirs your heart in this, I invite to schedule a FREE “safe place” strategy call where we can make a plan together to heal heart wounds, restore the joy of intimacy with God, and breathe new life into your ministry dreams.  God wants His love, joy, and peace to flow freely in and through our hearts to a world that needs us to be well.  Bless you with grace to follow Him on your journey to wholeness!