When Waiting is Over

waiting / birthing May 22, 2024

What are we waiting for?

We had been waiting for the birth of a new grand baby -- and we were so blessed with a beautiful arrival!

With all things — we can know that the day will come when the waiting is over.

I remember the year I turned 65 and I was reading Isaiah 7.  It was a time of shaking in Judah and Jerusalem — as forces were coming against them to invade, tear apart, and ruin them.  

But God said: “Keep calm and don’t be afraid.  Do not lose heart…  What they have plotted against you will not take place, it will not happen…. Within 65 years those coming against you will be too shattered to even be a people.”  

It was such a good word — but because I had just turned 65 — the “65 years” was what stood out to me!  In 65 years they would be too shattered to be a people — but what about the present?!!

All time might be “soon” to God — but it doesn’t always seem that way to us!

Then I thought of Daniel — as the Israelites waited in captivity for 70 years.  But the day came when Daniel realized the 70 years were over — and their time of release had come!

How often do we feel we’re always at the beginning of our “waiting” — and never at the end?

Where I was processing that I wouldn’t live another 65 years to see our redemption from the evil coming against us in our day — it suddenly dawned on me that we could be at the end of the waiting and not at the beginning!

These are exciting days to be alive!  And however many years ago our birth was — God planned each of us to be alive this very day — this very season — for a reason!  

Though the contractions of our birth into the fullness of God’s Kingdom can be a painful process — the blessing ahead is great beyond measure!  

Keep holding onto hope!  Keep calm and don’t be afraid!  Do not lose heart!  Breathe!

The day will come when the waiting is over — and the blessing will come!  
The mourning will turn into dancing — and the tears into joy!

What is it you’re waiting for?  Are you fearful or calm?  Have you lost heart and grown weary in the waiting — or are you still holding onto hope? 

Do you know the reason God planned for you to be alive in this season?

Let's rise up and pray each other through the birth process to blessing!!!

If you’d like a “midwife” to come along side you — to help you through the pain of your past so you can give birth to what God is wanting to do in you this season — I'd be honored to help in that process.  Let's connect!