You Are the SALT!

shaking Jan 24, 2024

In the midst of the “SHAKING” — remember you are the SALT!!!  

Yesterday I awoke from a dream that was overflowing with SALT!

As we’ve been praying for the protection, preservation, and restoration of our waterways, our lands, our air, our food, our bodies, our institutions, our governments, our nations, and our whole world — I couldn’t help but think of Elisha in II Kings 2 — where he poured salt into the poisoned well — and the Lord healed the water so it no longer caused death or made the land unproductive.

Jesus says we are the SALT of the earth — Matthew 5:13 — a precious resource!

SALT preserves goodness and keeps from infection!  “Be seasoned with SALT, pure and holy.” Exodus 30:35

SALT draws out flavor — so others can “taste and see that the Lord is good”!  Psalm 34:8

SALT makes one thirsty for more — “Let anyone who is thirsty come to Me (Jesus) and drink.” John 7:37.   May the SALT of our lives make others thirsty for Jesus!

Let’s not wait till our SALT shaker gets knocked off the shelf in the “shaking” to share our SALT!!!

If we sit on the shelf too long during the changing of seasons — our SALT is likely to clump and harden — and not come out in the “shaking”.  

The world around us needs our SALT now!  

Though we may feel like one of those tiny sample salt shakers — not able to change whole communities, nations, or the world — we can change the world for the person next to us!

May our SALT help preserve the life and faith of someone today — and make them thirsty for more of Jesus!  

I’ve “tasted and seen” — and know that He is good!!!  

Be blessed!  Be a blessing!!!  BE “SALT” out of the salt shaker today!!!