More in 2024

open doors Jan 17, 2024

Do you feel God’s love tugging your heart for more in 2024?  

I do!   Let’s not miss it!

Jesus says:  Follow Me!  “Whoever follows Me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life!”

Have you been following — but apparently at too great a distance to see the light?  
    At too great a distance to hear His voice?  
        At too great a distance to feel His hand leading you?
            At too great a distance to know His heart is beating for you?

I’ve been at “too great a distance” before — and know the dark, empty desperation that grips us in that place.  I never want to go back there — and I don’t want you to be there either!

God never forces us to come closer, but in the goodness of His love — He will move all heaven and earth to draw us to His heart!

Do you want to be close to His heart?  Wrapped in the greatest love you’ll ever know?

I do!

King David said in Psalm 27:8  “My heart has heard You say: Come and talk with Me.
And my heart responds: Lord, I’m coming.”   

Not a dry devotional read to say we did it — not a rote prayer that doesn’t move our heart or His — but the Living Word of God stirring deep in our souls — and our hearts crying out “Yes, Lord!”

Not holding Him at arms length, but letting Him touch the hidden places He wants to pour His love into for healing.

Take time to talk with Him today.  Not “to” Him, but “with” Him!  Be open to His Word and honest about your heart.

He’s waiting for us to say “Yes, Lord!” to His tug on our hearts.  

Do you want more in 2024 — but feel like you can’t quite get there from where you are — feel like you’re facing a closed door instead of an open door — with no voice calling to you from the other side — and no hinges to open the door?

I’m here to help you get some hinges for your door! -- so you don't miss the “more in 2024”!