Let the Birthing Come!

purpose May 16, 2024

We were still awaiting the arrival of my newest grand-baby!  

He was a week past due date and doctors were suggesting they could start helping him along.

Goodness, he’s had such a warm, cushy, delightful life so far — and with a little bit of room to move still — why venture out into the unknown, right?!

But for mama, there’s another side to the story — and the birthing must come!

How often do we feel similar dilemmas about things God is trying to birth in us!  

Things we first sense as a flutter in our spirit — soon grow into a rolling around in our minds — a kicking about in our souls — a fire burning in our hearts.  We know there is something God plans to give birth to in our lives.  

But to give birth to it?    We fear to venture out!  We shrink back from the pain we fear in the process.  We might not realize that the warm, cushy place where we hide — won’t remain cushy and safe forever.  There’s a time when the birthing must come!  

Do you know what God is wanting to birth in you?  

Whether you realize it or not, God has planted in you something of great value to those around you — something they are waiting for you to give birth to.

I know the things God is birthing in me can feel terrifying and overwhelming at times.  But I also know there is great blessing and joy waiting on the other side of my obedience — on the other side of my fears.

So let the birthing come!   

Maybe you feel “past due date” and need an "inducing" jump start to give birth to what God has planted in you?  Though you know there could be joy ahead — there’s something holding you back and you’re not even sure what that is?

As a good midwife, I'd be honored to help move that birthing process ahead for you!

While I have a new grand baby -- you could be preparing for delivery of what God wants to give birth to in you!