Healing for a Woman's Heart

heart healing May 12, 2024

Is your heart missing “home” today?

Longing for peace — past all the anxiety that’s been arresting your heart at night?

Longing for the simpler way things used to seem — not the complicated upheaval you’re experiencing now?

Longing for close meaningful relationships that you’ve lost through the years?

As women especially, we have a deep need to be noticed, to be heard, to be understood — for the cry of our heart to matter to someone.  

It’s hard being a woman -- whether a daughter, a mom, or a grandma for that matter — but painfully harder if we feel lost and alone in the journey.

Whatever stage of being a woman you are experiencing right now — the stage will pass because the years keep rushing by — but the needs of our heart remain.

We don’t know if we have years yet for our hearts to change. None of us even know if we have tomorrow.

Are we ready for that?  Or do we have a gnawing fear that we’ll still feel lost and alone at the end of our journey?

I believe the most important thing in all of life is to know that our hearts truly have found “home” — that we are connected deeply with the One who created us — that we walk with Jesus — that we know we are becoming the person He designed us to be — that we know we hear His voice and are ready to see Him.

Not just to have prayed a prayer when the threat of hell gripped us years ago.

Not just to have attended church for years.

Not just to have done our best to be a good mom or a good person.

But to know all the good and not so good parts of our lives forgiven and washed clean under the blood of Jesus — all shame and guilt gone.

To know our hearts held, healed, and made whole in His tender loving hands.

To hear His voice speaking “peace, be still” to the waves crashing over us.  To hear Him whispering “this is the way, walk in it” to our hearts when we’re wondering which way to turn.

To know His strength lifting us up with power to become everything we were created to be — with nothing holding us back.

If you think you’ve missed it — blown it — and it’s too late for you to resurrect dreams and fulfill the mission God has for your life — it’s NOT!

If you are still alive and breathing — it’s not too late!

We have a God who forgives and can restore the years and the blessing of intimacy with Him that we lost in the wounds of life.

I found the way through the dark tunnels of pain, grief, betrayal, and loss — and I’m calling back through the darkness to let other women know there really can be healing, wholeness, and joy on the other side — and it matters immensely that we find it!

It matters not only to ourselves — it matters to those who matter to us — and to those we matter to.

We matter!  Our wholeness matters!

One thing I’ve discovered in my own journey is that we can never get to the healing, wholeness, and joy we long for alone.  

True, deep, real healing is a journey we can’t take without God — and we can’t take it with Him unless we’re willing to take the journey His way — with honest hearts open to His Spirit in the Word of God — willing for His love to heal the deep hidden places in us — willing to rise up and walk with Him.

That’s the journey He took me on — and the journey He’s prepared me to share with others who are willing to take it with Him.  

It is not an easy journey — but I can tell you, it’s worth everything it takes to take it!
It was for me — and it has been for others I’ve been honored to lead on this journey, too.  Like Liz who shared:

"When I reached out to you, I was overwhelmed with darkness

and even contemplating death because of my pain.

I felt so alone and hopeless.

I had no idea how deeply the enemy had twisted my belief

and had taken me so far from the true heart of God.

Thank you for drawing me back to the light!

The truth you have spoken into my life with such love and compassion

has changed my heart forever!

I feel loved and free -- and the darkness if gone!

I have experienced God's love healing my heart like never before!"


Perhaps thoughts of honestly facing your brokenness to get to the blessing of healing and wholeness raises fear in you.  I urge you to take the journey afraid if you must — but I believe the time is critical for us to take it.  And you need not take it alone!

The “JOURNEY TO JOY: From Hidden Pain to God’s Embrace” transformational experience He has given me to coach other women through is for you if:

  • You’re ready to finally break free from the painful wounds of the past that are draining your life and hurting your relationships today.
  • You’re sick and tired of feeling alone and helpless with no hope for change.
  • You strongly desire to experience wholeness and joy as the beautiful person God designed you to be, without anything holding you back.
  • You’re willing to see your “wounded” identity transformed into “strong and             vibrantly alive” in the glory of God!

If a “JOURNEY TO JOY: From Hidden Pain to God’s Embrace” sounds like it might be for you -- I invite you to schedule a FREE “safe place” strategy call with me so we can make a plan to bridge that gap between where your heart is now and where you would like it to be!