Comfort My People

Feb 27, 2024

There is great comfort and hope wrapped up in knowing that the wickedness rampant in our world is ending — and God is bringing His people through to a kingdom that has no end — a kingdom of righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit!

But what do we do when there’s wickedness that still lurks inside of us?                       Is there comfort and hope for that to end, too?

If we’ve ever been betrayed, rejected, abandoned, violated, misunderstood, or wounded in any way — we’ve had a crack in our soul where the enemy sneaks in to take ground.

As I coach women from hidden pain to God’s embrace — I find we all build walls around our heart to protect ourselves from more wounding — only later to discover that the walls didn’t keep the enemy out, but locked him inside — along with bitterness, anger, confusion, and a host of other nasty companions!  

So we end up stuck in the muck — and often aren’t even sure what the muck is.  We only know that the wounds are still triggering pain in us — and the walls are keeping us distant from the life-giving relationships we desire — and distant from God. 

We are left with the deep gnawing feeling that we could die like that and totally miss what our life was meant to be.

That’s our enemy’s goal for us — to steal our identity, kill our joy, and destroy our destiny.


Oh the joy of all the BUT GOD moments in my life!  He rescued me from the muck and led me on a solid path through His Word by His Spirit to healing, wholeness, and joy!

One meaning for comfort is:  “to strengthen with assistance and support.”

The Lord did that for me!  

And now He has prepared me, strengthened me, and filled me to overflowing with comfort — assistance and support — to help other women who are “stuck in the muck” to heal from heart wounds — restore intimacy with God — and rise up in joy as the powerful women He designed them to be.

So if you’re…

…tired of missing the peace, joy, and deep connection you are longing for…
…tired of negative patterns that keep triggering more fear, anxiety, and hurt…
…tired of feeling like you’re missing what your life was meant to be…

I invite you to schedule a free “safe place strategy call” with me —

— to identify where you’re “stuck” — to map out a plan to get “unstuck” — and to explore the possibility of experiencing your own “JOURNEY TO JOY: From Hidden Pain to God’s Embrace”. 

You need not remain stuck in the muck when comforting assistance and support is calling your name!!!  You are not alone!  Schedule a free “safe place strategy call” and let’s talk!