Blessings of Comfort

comfort Feb 17, 2024

When we need comfort — and we’re past the years of a pacifier, a teddy bear, and a little blanket with silk edges to comfort us — what are we to do?!

We could trade our childhood comforts for a bigger blanket, a larger teddy bear — and chocolates perhaps!!!  But while these may be better than other alternatives — we’re still left needing more!

We need comfort that goes deep in our souls every hour of the day — and night.

Where do we find that?

There is certainly cause for our souls to be troubled, distressed, and suffering grief — when our world is writhing in darkness, pain, sickness — and loss.

Will the struggle to make ends meet ever end?  

Will the lingering illnesses ever stop lingering?

Will war ever end?  Will the lost come home?

Will there ever be — joy again?  peace again?  rest again?

Where’s the comfort?  

“Comfort, Comfort my people, says your God.”   Isaiah 40:1

These words have been rolling through my mind and heart with a growing urgency racing through my spirit to proclaim COMFORT!

“Comfort, Comfort My people!!!”  

COMFORT means:  
    To offer rest and easement to a troubled, suffering soul.
    To ease the grief or distress of.
    To console in times of trouble or worry.
    To bring relief and encouragement.
    To strengthen with assistance and support.

God gives us this comfort in Isaiah 3:10-11 —  “Tell My people it shall be well with them, for they will enjoy the fruit of their deeds.   But woe to the wicked!  Disaster is upon them!  They will be paid back for what their hands have done.”

Tell My people it shall be well with them — but woe to the wicked.

Tell My people it shall be well with them!  
Our comfort all comes down to this:
If we are “His people” — it shall be well with us — no matter what happens.

God calls “His people” — “His sheep”!  

How do we know we’re “His sheep” — not just thinking so in our heads, but really knowing that we know Him?

Jesus tells us how we know in John 10:27-28 —

“My sheep listen to My voice; I know them, and they follow Me.  I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one can snatch them out of My hand.”

If we are listening to the voice of Jesus and following Him — we are “His sheep” and it shall be well with us!  He’s a good shepherd!  

“Our Sovereign Lord tends His flock like a shepherd:
    He gathers the lambs in His arms and carries them close to His heart;
    He gently leads those that have young.”   Isaiah 40:11 NIV

If we are “His people” — “His sheep” — we need not fear the darkest valley — not even death itself — because Jesus Himself is with us as our comfort to carry us through.

Whether our world quakes violently — or lays hushed under a holy silence — if we are “His sheep” listening to His voice and following Him — it shall be well with us!  Hold onto the comfort of resting in the care of a Good Shepherd!

If your soul still frets helplessly over the evil in our world — try wrapping up in the “blanket” of Psalm 37 or checking out the “chocolates” in Psalm 33!

We can trust God’s Word and His heart for us!  Receive His comfort today and be blessed!

PS: If you’re a woman who still frets helplessly over the evil around you — or the evil that lurks inside you — and you’re not hearing the voice of Jesus — please let me know.  I’m here to help!