Karen Travis

Hope Restoration Coach

Karen Travis — “practically perfect in every way” — not quite!

Karen was raised in an environment where perfect performance was the expectation. She did her best to rise to that expectation, but the pressure of perfection collided with the reality of imperfections early in her life.

Though she succeeded as an award-winning high achiever in many areas, the inner struggle with imperfections left her desperate for peace. That longing led her to a powerful encounter with the Spirit of the Living God through Jesus Christ that changed everything for her. Karen’s life from then on overflowed with love for God and His Word and a deep passion for others to know Him alive and real in their lives as she did. A number of ministries were birthed out of that passion.

When Karen married, her passion, combined with her years of training and experience in ministry and missions, was poured into an itinerant ministry that she and her husband launched together, and into the family God blessed them with. Darkness fell over their lives with the death of their son — and then years later, a greater darkness came with intent to stay.

After 25 years of life and ministry together, Karen’s husband confessed moral failure, resigned from their ministry, filed for a divorce, and left the country. She and her daughters were left to wrestle through many layers of darkness and the reality that their “practically perfect” family hadn’t been what it appeared to be.

Giving all praise to God, Karen experienced a freedom and healing in Jesus that has restored her joy and filled her with passion to call back through the dark tunnel to bring hope to others crushed by wounds that are difficult to express, that few understand, and that even fewer know how to find their way through to healing and freedom.

While continuing to serve as Executive Director of Reign Dance Theater, a nonprofit ministry with youth in Minnesota, Karen’s passion to bring hope from heaven to a hurting world now also extends through personal and online prayer, teaching, and coaching as well.

Karen loves the Word of God and the God of His Word - and delights to lead others into the freedom, joy, peace, and beautiful purpose He designed for their lives, too. Karen is a ministry leader, author, songwriter, theatrical producer, costume designer, Bible teacher, coach, mom, and grandma! She lives in Minnesota near her two beautiful daughters, both now married and living out their passions for the Lord, too.

Karen has embraced the gift of imperfections in her life and lives at peace in the presence of the God whose heart of love is “perfectly perfect” in every way - and whose Spirit is daily making her heart more like His!

Psalm 18:30-32. “As for God, His way is perfect; the Word of the Lord is flawless. He is a shield for all who take refuge in Him. For who is God besides the Lord? And who is the Rock except our God? It is God who arms me with strength and makes my way perfect.”
(Perfect: whole, complete, blameless).

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Reasons you can depend on Karen Travis to help you find healing for your heart and freedom to fully become the person God designed you to be:

  • REPUTABLE – Karen Travis has been a respected leader in her field and community throughout her life. Her faithful commitment to knowing and sharing the heart of God - even through dark tunnels of grief and loss - is a bright light of hope to the large number of long term connections and clients who trust her steadiness and wisdom year after year.
  • EXPERIENCED – In over 45 years of full-time ministry, Karen has gained training and vast experience both in areas she pursued -- and in areas she never thought would be a part of her life. God blended both together to develop a skilled and wise leader with a deep heart of compassion that provides a safe place for others to find hope, healing, and freedom, too.
  • INTEGRITY – The foundation of Karen's reputation is her commitment to do the right thing at all times, regardless of whether anyone is watching -- because the God who matters most to her is always watching over her to strengthen her.
  • RESOURCES – Karen offers a wide variety of development and training programs built on timeless principles that get results for both individuals and organizations. Because they are founded on the living Word of God, they are powerful for life-giving transformation.  
  • CONNECTION - Every element of Karen Travis Coaching is founded on the Word of God, wrapped in prayer, and carried into hearts by the power of the Holy Spirit. Connection to the heart of God changes everything!

Download your FREE GIFT NOW!

by Karen Travis

This eBook is one of Karen Travis' most popular publications available as a free download.

Inside this ebook you will learn:

  • What to do when losses in your life lay like a heavy weight on your chest that never goes away.
  • What to do if anxiety disturbs you all day and keeps you awake at night.
  • What to do when your life feels stuck in a dark place without hope for change.
  • What to do when you can't feel your feelings anymore — or you do feel them and wish you couldn't.
  • What to do if you fear you will die before you even know why you're alive. 

How to free your heart from fear, anxiety, and loss.


What People Are Saying:

Char Shinn

"My times with Karen Travis have taken me from a state of overwhelm where I felt defeated and unworthy of love — and lifted me to a place where my spirit soars with hope and encouragement beyond what I can express.

Karen breathes the wind of God’s Spirit into my sails! I only wish I had had a coach like her 40 years ago! I would have had far fewer regrets in my life to overcome."

Liz H.

"All I can say is “Thank you, Karen Travis!” The truth you have spoken into my life with such love and compassion has changed by heart and outlook forever!

I have experienced God’s love healing my life like never before."

Hannah G.

"It scares me to think where the darkness in my heart would have taken me, if it wasn’t for you hearing my heart and leading me to life.

Thank you, Karen Travis!"

Beth Cantrell


"As leaders pouring out for others, we don’t always have a safe place to take our own hearts for hope and healing. I have found a haven in Karen Travis that goes far beyond understanding and the wisdom of words. 
I hear the heart of heaven itself through her heart and it moves me deeply. What a rare and precious gift in my life!"